Student Project (not marketed)
I created a charity campaign in the pseudo-naive style of Haitian art, using digital and traditional methods (drawing and gouache).
I researched and produced a fictitious partnership between giant cereal brand Cheerios and The Apparent Project, an organization which endeavors to improve Haitians' living conditions.
The aim is to motivate cereal consumers to donate their empty cereal boxes. An infographic on the back of the box clearly communicates what people need to do. In turn, General Mills organises the collection and delivery of the boxes to Haitian artisans, who will turn them into paper beads to make colorful and unique jewelry.
At the time this project was made (end of 2017), Haiti was struggling to recover from Hurricane Matthew's devastating effects. Recovery was worsened as American donations, mostly from Texas and Florida, dropped as a result of being redirected to communities hit by Hurricane Harvey.
Recovery is further slowed by worsening weather conditions that affect tourism, one of the main source of revenue.
Market Haiti is a shopping platform that showcases unique and high-quality handmade products. This is from their website: 'We are a market place designed to empower & market Haitian artisans in their work. We are officially endorsed by the Apparent Project, and are also working with other artisans in Haiti to make a difference in the lives of working families. Sales from Market Haiti provide funds for the following Apparent Project programs: AP Childcare, Preschool & Kindergarten and AP Institute.'

A real-size paper box was created in order to create these mock-ups.

A photograph of the cereal aisle from my local supermarket helped simulate how the boxes would look if marketed.

Some insight into the development process.